Deep Cleaning for Gums

Deep Cleaning for Gum Disease

What is deep cleaning and why would a patient need it?

We may recommend deep cleaning (also known as “root planing and scaling”) when gum disease has progressed beyond a mild stage. At this point, a patient may see these symptoms:

  • Red, puffy gums
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Gums that hurt or bleed when brushing or flossing
  • Pain when chewing or biting
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Gum recession

When gum disease gets quite advanced, teeth may become loose, fall out or require extraction. That’s why it’s vital to treat gum disease as early as possible. 

Deep cleaning enables us to reach hidden areas of infection so we can eliminate them and return your gums to health. 

Eliminate Infection with Deep Cleaning

How Is Deep Cleaning Done?

When teeth are not kept clean enough with a good at-home regimen or due to infrequent visits to the dentist, pockets form between the gums and teeth. Bacteria thrive in these pockets and create plaque which hardens into tartar. 

To heal the gums, this tartar must be removed. We reach below the gum line to scrape away tartar. We then smooth the roots of the teeth so the gums will reattach tightly to the teeth.

After this visit, we will monitor the healing of your gums so we can ensure they return to health. 

It is also important to maintain good cleaning practices at home and regular dental visits for preventative care so gum disease does not return. We will help you maintain the proper schedule.

Please call us if you need to update your care or if you have any concerns about the health of your gums: 708-532-9303. 

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