

Why do we give a patient a dental crown? We may recommend a crown for any of these reasons:

  • Strengthen a tooth that has cracked or fractured
  • Improve the appearance of a tooth that is too small, poorly shaped or deeply stained
  • Repair a worn-down tooth
  • Anchor a dental bridge
  • Protect a tooth that has received root canal therapy or a large filling

A replacement tooth that is anchored to a dental implant is also called a “crown.” 

Restore Teeth with Crowns Today

How Are Crowns Done?

When Dr. Lipson prepares a crown (also referred to as a “cap” by patients), he wants to make sure that it is a perfect match for the patient’s other teeth. He also wants the process of receiving a crown to be as comfortable as possible for the patient. That’s why he keeps a patient informed about every action he’s going to take during this procedure. 

The first step is preparing the tooth to be crowned. It is reshaped so that the porcelain cap can be placed over it. An impression is then taken of the patient’s teeth; the impression is used to create the new crown at our high-quality lab. A temporary crown keeps the prepared tooth protected. 

After the lab prepares the crown, Dr. Lipson bonds it securely to the tooth. A good quality crown can last for the rest of a patient’s life.

Schedule a Consultation for Crown Restoration
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